New Patient Forms

We offer our paperwork online for convenience. Please feel free to complete it in the comfort of your own home.
What to Expect at our Chiropractic Practice
If you’ve ever gone to a social event where you didn’t know anyone, you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home.
Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important that our relationship can go the distance. We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises!
The more you understand who we are, what we do, and why we do it, the better results you’ll enjoy. It’s as simple as that.
Your First Visit
The goal for the first visit is to get an idea of your health problem, make sure it is something Dr. Steve Milligan can successfully treat, and that it is safe and appropriate for him to treat you.
The doctor will have you complete some paperwork, take your history, review any studies that you may have, and examine you. If Dr. Steve Milligan decides that he has a good chance to help you, he will then will start light force standard chiropractic care. If paperwork is completed prior, allow 40 minutes.
First visit costs range from $165.00 and above, we offer discounts for students, veterans, Medicare, and others who serve our community.
X-ray’s and additional services are not included.
Your Second Visit
On the second visit, we will start active care. I do not have a formula
for a patients needed care and rely on my patients' response to schedule
their care. I do not believe in overtreating my patients. Your second
visit takes on average 20 minutes.
On a follow-up visit
With more challenging cases where Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is most appropriate, X-rays, higher math, biophysics, and measurements are needed and take an extended time. See for more details.
A Typical Office Visit
Our typical office visit starts with brief paperwork reporting your improvements, or concerns. Dr. Steve Milligan will take a brief history and decide that day’s course of treatment, and future care. The main factor is how much you have progressed overall. Allow 20 minutes.
So, check us out here. Poke around. Get to know us. Then, contact Stephen R. Milligan, DC today to make an appointment.
OUR MISSION: To assist you in regaining your health & vitality in life. To offer state of the art compassionate care that is both effective and affordable.
CASH PATIENTS: 100% payment for services rendered due at the time of service. We accept cash, payment plans, checks, debit and Credit Cards.
MEDICAL INSURANCE: As a courtesy we will bill your insurance for you. After that payment will expected at the time of service. Most major insurance companies do cover chiropractic treatment.
PAYMENTS / Insurance Billing: In general, payment is due at time of service, with a few case by case exceptions. To assist all our patients in quick insurance payment, we will electronically bill your insurance for you. We can also provide a statement sheet (a.k.a. superbill) that can be easily submitted to one’s insurance company for reimbursement.
MEDICARE: Medicare will not pay for routine or maintenance care. YEARLY DEDUCTABLE … … At the Beginning of each year, you have to meet your deductable before any payment can be sent from Medicare. We will bill Medicare for you, Medicare will then bill your secondary insurance. WE are a non-participating provider for Medicare, which requires your payment at the time of service. We will then submit your billing.
Medicare does not pay for EXAMS, X-rays, adjustments to your shoulder, knees, hands, or other necessary services.
WORKER’S COMPENSATION CASES: We are hesitant to accept Worker’s Compensation cases. AS they do not serve the injured worker’s best interest and payment is rare.
PERSONAL INJURY CASES: Auto accident insurance with “Med-Pay”, may be billed for reimbursement. Your health insurance plan, may also offer coverage. We offer a no interest Care Credit Plan. We also can make payment arrangements with you, so you get the care you need WE do not accept third-party liens. Otherwise, 100% payment is due at the time of service. At the close of your case, you are responsible for any balances due.
IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD: We are not contracted with your insurance provider, you are.
They have no reason to work with us. They can save money by not paying their due. We can not promise that your insurance company will or should pay for services rendered. As a courtesy, our office will attempt help you. All monies due are solely your responsibility.
Patient Name____________________________ please check ___ SELF, ____ Parent ____Guardian
Signature ___________________________________ Date_______________________